Aug 8, 2022

PCG triathlete Matthew Angstadt made his debut this past weekend out at the DQ Vincentown Super Sprint in New Jersey. Matt came to PCG just under a year ago, after starting a mission to race a 70.3, looking for a coach to help him with his cycling. We paired him up with Elite/Master level coach Julie McKenzie, right from the start Matt was progressing and fast, but shortly realized he needed something more, he needed someone that could put all his training together for triathlon. At that point we reevaluated Matt's situation and paired him up with Elite/Master level coach Sarah Wangerin, one of our top triathlon coaches. 

Coming from a boxing background Matt is no stranger to patience and persistence, anything Matt tries he must master. As we can see, triathlon is going to be no different! Congratulations Matt, keep working hard! 


Check out Matt's recap of his 1st place AG finish below. 

"...First race in the books and many more to come. This is such a beautiful sport and although I wished I found it sooner, I am going all in with this, and I am going to continue training extremely hard to improve these 3 disciplines. 

 Place 1st in my age group and 27th overall...

 Swim went way better than expected, I managed a 2:20/100yd pace, I did will on the bike with a 2:48/mile pace, and then I started the run slow as I began to cramp up a little at the start, but I ended up pushing through it and hustled during the back half of the run to get me right under an 8:00/mile pace. My training told me my run would be much better, but this was a great learning experience that will be addressed! It was also brutally hot at 98 degrees out at the begining of the race.

 ...Shout out to Coach Sarah and Peaks Coaching Group for pushing me during training and making me love and hate her in the same day!  You are an incredible coach! Also, thanks to Julie McKenzie, I wouldn't be nearly as strong on the bike if it wasn't for is by far my best discipline, and you are a big reason as to why." - PCG Athlete Matthew Angstadt



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