In January of 2017 athlete Calvin Martin purchased his first power meter. Needing more guidance with his training he purchased his first pre-built training peaks plan from Peaks Coaching Group and started seeing immediate results at local races. At the conclusion of his first pre-built plan, Calvin purchased the second plan suggested and written by Hunter Allen.
See Calvin's notes about his races below.
Photos from the Sunbury race
"This course
was on roads that I was familiar with so fellow racer Patrick and I attacked
and broke early in the race to the consternation of the local six man team who
thought they owned it
Later I did a really hard pull to the base of a 20%grade and let my guard slip and Patrick attacked just missed his wheel so from then on it it was an all out time trial what more can I say other than I was at 6 minutes ahead of the chase group and I couldn't have done it without the training
Later I did a really hard pull to the base of a 20%grade and let my guard slip and Patrick attacked just missed his wheel so from then on it it was an all out time trial what more can I say other than I was at 6 minutes ahead of the chase group and I couldn't have done it without the training
In the velo shop spring training series first 2 races, I started as a cat 5 and won the first 2 by by attacking off the line and lapped the field and then some by myself. After the second one the officials requested an upgrade for me even though it was only my 5th race.
Thanks so much guys without you this would not have been
The annual Sunbury YMCA race was on 7/ 8/17 and that
one is an open race with medals given for age categories which I got for the 25
to 35 bracket and I was cat 4 in that one not that made a difference as there
were some cat 2 racers there and it's all together . And the other races the
name and dates are on the trophies and in those I was racing cat 5 and I
was 28"
See the video Calvin's crash from April at 3:30. Just look for the red arrow.
At 1:20 you can see the crash. It's a rough one; he broke his collar bone.
He was back on his trainer 2 days later.
Calvin's training plans are listed here:
- Phase 1: Begin with the 2.1 - POWER THRESHOLD: Improve your threshold in weeks 1-8 (8-week plan) - $99.95 – Preview this plan here.
- Phase 2: 2.9 - POWER: The Next Level (12-week plan) - $129.95 – Preview this plan here. This plan is to build your threshold to the “next level” and increase your wattage even more.
- Phase 3: 2.7 – POWER:
8 Weeks to your Peak Event (8-week plan) - $129.99 – Preview
this plan here. This plan will continue to build you into your
“peak”. The term “peaking” is relative to your personal BEST.
This is preparing your body to perform efficiently and without
waste. The overall goal for coaching is to have an athlete “peak” on
the day of their event. Waking feeling refreshed and ready for the
physical challenges ahead. This includes overall high level physical
and mental fitness.
Calvin is now being coached by PCG Associate coach Bart Lipinski
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