Jun 18, 2016

John Hart has had a rough early season after an April training crash resulted in a fractured scapula, a collar bone that was broken and 3 places as well as multiple fractures to his left hand. 
Surgery was required to stabilize both the collarbone and the hand, which limited the ability to train in the TT position.  Worse yet was the fact that he had some of the best early season form of his career and recovery and rehabilitation would impact his ability to race at the Masters nationals and TN state TT championships that were both only weeks away.  
He pushed his rehab to the max and was ahead of schedule, astonishing his Physical Therapist in the process, but time was just too short to bring fitness and form back in time for Nationals where he raced, but was not competitive.  He was stronger only two weeks later at the TN state championship where he took 3rd overall, but his form was still not what it could have been.  
Two more weeks on, this past weekend though, he effectively announced his return to form by taking the NC/SC combined State Time Trial championship.  In taking the win, he set a new course record at 50:02.  Although fast, he is still hampered due to limited post-surgery hand functionality, which impairs braking and turns, but his engine is running on all cylinders again and he should be a force to be reckoned with in the second half of the season.

John's PCG Coach: Steve McGregor


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