Jul 23, 2012

Great weekend for 2 of my athletes: Mike Rickey and Nick Hand. They both raced the Great Egyptian Omnium in Illinois on Saturday the 21st. Nick raced to a 6th place finish in a 80 Mile tough Cat. 3 road race with two 2nd place fishes in intermidate sprints along the route.  Then completed it up with a nice 6th place in a 7 mile rolling TT.

The next day he and teammate Mike Rickey raced in two Criteriums the Cat. 3 and the 1, 2, 3 in the Cat 3 Mike sprinted for a very close 2nd place missing 1st by inches and Nick also in the sprint finished off 4th.

They took that success to the 123 and Mike finished a respectable 12th, but working for Nick who was in a 2 man break for 10 Laps. The field caught the break, but not without a tough chase. It was a great weekend for Mike and Nick.

PCG Coach: Bill McLaughlin