Jen Schoenberg finished
Ironman Mont Tremblant on Aug 19th 2013 by running down the finish shoot
blowing kisses to her parents, three kids and husband in the grandstands
feeling as though she was the overall winner! "There’s something about
putting in the work during the year, enjoying my training and showing up on
race day prepared and ready to appreciate the hard work and dedication it takes
to become an Ironman. I love this race and this venue as the volunteers are
amazing" she said. Everything fell into place for Jen despite a late and
rough start to her season. After spending much of the winter healing
from a herniated disc, she felt like she had to start her IM training at
"rock bottom". To make things even more challenging, her family
bought a new home and got a puppy (which she likened to having another baby
less the pain of child birth). But, in true Jen style, with even less
training than last year (she did the same race in 2012) and a few unplanned
side-linings during the race, she went faster this year and posted a 4th Place
(AG) time of 10:52:08 (earning her the honor of making the next place women
very happy by passing up her qualifying slot to the IM World Championship in
Hawaii). Congratulations Jen!
PCG Coach: Karen Mackin