Jun 19, 2016

June 19 at Calaveras TT in California; Robb Herrick placed second in the Masters 35+ Open field

Coming off good form from Districts last weekend, I had a target wattage number that I hoped to hit. The weather was perfect, I was able to wear my long sleeve suit without overheating. My first warm-up got shortened by about 10 minutes due to a last minute tire blowing out. I had a great start and was happy with my first five minute pace, then started ramping it up. Caught my 1 minute man near the top of the hill / 5 mile turnaround and began increasing the speed on the descent. I got caught behind two cars which slowed me down, until I was able to pass, although this didn't make a difference since the winner was right behind me and dealt with the same thing. 

All in all it was a good run, had a great power split between the first and second half of the race. 

Robb Herrick is coached by PCG Coach Earl Zimmermann


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