Apr 16, 2013

Justin Meschler
GA State Crit Champs
Apr. 13, 2013
Cat 4
2nd place (photo finish)

PCG Coach: Scott Moninger

Justin made all the right moves at the Georgia State Crit championships as he watched, waited, and then bridged to the what was to become the winning break of 5 riders late in the race. With only a 5-10 second gap on a hard charging field behind there wasn't time for over-thinking the final lap strategy. However, Justin was able to place himself right where he wanted to be, coming into the final corner (which was only 100 meters before the finish line). In what turned out to be a two-man drag race to the line, it took the photo camera to determine that Justin came up just an inch or so short of one of his main season goals. 

Congrats to Justin on another fine podium finish.  Justin's  hard work, dedication, preparation and execution so far this season have been resulting in his best power numbers ever, his lowest body weight in 20 years, and his best race finishes ever!….and we're only into April!

16 Apr 2013