2nd place Elite men, UCI Marathon-
Sabie Classic
In one of his last prep races for South
Africa's iconic Cape Epic MTB race Nico Bell finished a best ever 2nd place in
the UCI ranked Sabie Classic. After 4 hours of hard racing Nico finished less
than 2 seconds behind the winner.
Jan Weissenberger:
In their first major race of the 2013
the guys at Gnar Lube had some impressive results in the Masters 1/2/3 race.
Jan finished the race with a 3rd place finish in Sunday's 96 mile road race.
Jeremy Larson:
Big congrats to Jeremy Larson setting a
personal best in the Snake Creek Gap TT #3.
Brig Brandt:
1st place Pro Men at Echo Red to Red XC
race. "It hurt. A lot."
PCG Coach: Brig Brandt