May 8, 2012

Allison Cooper Weatherly shakes up the junior triathlon ranks with the help of Peaks Coach Lisa (aka Sissy) Colvin.  Allison is a 9 year old multisport, softball, swimming, golf and triathlons!  She particularly like triathlon as "I get to go really fast on my bike and catch everyone!"  She is a chip off the Cooper family athletic block in that Coach Colvin is Coach Sissy to Allison (yep, Coach Colvin coaches her niece and Lisa's sister is very happy about it!).

Allison competed in the General Mills Triathlon 2012 and place 2nd in her age-group and 5th overall!  Allison practiced transitions with her Aunt Coach and she FLEW through T1 and T2 (total of 47 seconds!).  Way to GO ALLISON!

Even a crash didn't stop Allison. A top finish and 3 Bandaids made everything AOK!

PCG Coach: Lisa Colvin

08 May 2012